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No Apologies: Darla Neugebauer, Owner of Marcy's Diner, Screams at Toddler to Stop Bawling (VIDEO)

WTF, the damned kid was screaming for an hour?!!

Talk about some divine patience that most people do not have.

And the entitled parents can just STFU. My wife and I would have had our own baby out of the restaurant in minutes. If the kid doesn't stop crying we'll take our dinner to go, thank you. It's not acceptable to upset everyone else's meal with a spoiled, screaming brat. And people are outraged as Ms. Neugebauer? Sorry, go get a life people. You and your screaming princesses.

At the Portland Press-Herald (careful the auto-play video ads), "Owner of Portland diner defends yelling at screaming child":
The Marcy's Diner proprietor says the girl was disrupting her customers' dining experience.
You think?

Great advertising for the establishment. Rational people are no doubt swarming the place, slapping down 25 percent tips.

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