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How To Make Her Say Yes During Your Wedding Proposal


Have you been wanting to propose to the woman you truly love and wish to marry? What are your plans for the woman? Have you built your relationship on a firm foundation that guarantee the woman to say yes to your proposal?  There is no guarantee that the woman of your dreams will right away say 'yes' during your proposal. This doesn't mean that she doesn't love you like you love her. It may just be because she isn't ready yet for a lifelong commitment like marriage. Or perhaps, she wasn't just impressed with your wedding proposal. Or maybe it came so sudden. She may need more time to think about your proposal. You've probably already been thinking this over for some time. It's a big step but also one that many more have already made. The important thing is to know that you love her and consider her to be "the one". Write down or think through a list of all the reasons that make you want to marry her. This will be important for expressing your love to her at the proposal, as well as confirming to yourself that you're making the right decision.  Avoid discussing your plans too widely with others, as it can soon filter back to her through the grapevine. Psych yourself up for continuous wedding talk and preparations once you've asked her. It's useful to have an idea in your own mind about the length of time you'd like between the engagement and the wedding, realizing that she'll have her own ideas about this too. Is this really the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with? If so, read on.

The traditional 'will you marry me?' wedding proposal while having dinner is overused. If you want to impress your girlfriend and ensure that she says 'yes' to your proposal, these romantic proposal tips will come in handy: Invite your girl in your favourite pub or bar. Request for your theme song (the song that you both love and you feel represent your relationship). As she enters the pub or bar, the song will be aired and you can hand your flowers and of course the engagement ring. You can also talk to the DJ and propose on air.

In the window of her room, write your proposal in the dust. When she opens her window curtain, that is the first thing that she'll see. This is very romantic, just make sure the dust is still there and nobody has cleaned the window yet before she wakes up.

You can make your proposal public. In a concert event, you can go up the stage and propose. Just make sure you ask permission from the performers. Or you can advertise full page in your local newspaper or her favourite magazine. 

Take her to the beach. Talk to someone who can spell the words 'will you marry me?' on the sand. This will surprise her. 
It's important to get the timing right, and timing is really only something that you can work out. It's not possible to say that there are perfect times to propose but it is important that you propose at a time when you're not rushed and when you feel calm, sorted, and ready. Once you've planned the proposal in as much detail as possible, then the time will be right. Some things to keep in mind though: 
Is there a meaningful day to the both of you? Such as an anniversary of your relationship or first date, or some other commemoration?
Sometimes the time chooses itself by sheer practicality, especially if the two of you are living in different cities and come together for a special holiday event and this is your only chance to ask her.
Consider the time of year she wants to get married. It's helpful to ask her or indirectly through her friends or family if there is a certain season, month, or length of time she wants to be engaged in order to plan the wedding without feeling overwhelmed or rushed.
Proposing on special holidays or birthdays has advantages and drawbacks. On the one hand, these days can make the occasion more meaningful, especially if family is gathered around or it's a time of great joy. On the other hand, you will always share your proposal date with the holiday date; if you want to celebrate your engagement date, this can make it feel less impersonal for some, while for others, it's a great way to remember!

Give her a gift with the engagement ring. The engagement ring can be simple but if you have the budget, you can opt to buy an elegant diamond ring as your engagement ring. Surely, your girlfriend can't say no. This is the style where you let the engagement ring speak for the proposal.

Wedding proposals should be made unique as possible. You should prepare everything before you actually propose. Don't forget the engagement ring. Shop around for your engagement ring weeks before your proposal. This is to ensure that you get the best engagement ring for you partner. 

These wedding proposal tips mentioned here will make the moment very romantic. They will sweep your partner off her feet and she can decide right away to give you her sweetest 'yes'. Surely, romantic proposals pay off.

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