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Just Finished Bruce Catton's, The Coming Fury

I've been catching up on my Civil War history in light of the Stogie/Donald debates.

A few weeks back I started hitting up nearby used bookstores to augment my library. I'm reading about two or three books at a time, lol. But I did finish the Bruce Catton paperback last night. He was a great historian. Once I got going I decided not to put it down. The book flows like a novel. Really amazing book. It easily debunks the Marxist and radical libertarian narrative that Stogie's been pushing, and it's honest about the role of slavery in the origins of the Civil War.

It's out of print --- Catton died in 1978 --- but here's the Amazon link in any case, The Coming Fury (The Centennial History of the Civil War, Vol. 1).

Bruce Catton photo 11760055_10207589828046783_7690288698741505244_n_zpsujebj1ys.jpg

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