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Iran's Defense Minister Forbids International Military Site Inspections

Well, this is a big surprise.

At the Times of Israel, "Iran defense chief forbids international inspections of military sites":
Iran’s defense minister on Monday said Tehran would not allow international inspectors to enter the Islamic Republic’s military sites, in comments that appear at odds with the terms of a landmark nuclear deal struck with world powers last week.

Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan also said the nuclear deal does not limit its missile development, which he maintained Tehran would “resolutely” pursue.

The comments came on the heels of Iran’s Foreign Ministry saying the UN could not ban Iranian ballistic missile development under the deal and a top military commander rejecting the UN’s adoption of the groundbreaking accord earlier in the day.

Taken together, the comments shed doubt on Tehran’s willingness to keep to some of the concessions agreed to in the pact, which has been touted in the West as the best way to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and was endorsed unanimously in the United Nations Security Council Monday...
There are no verification guarantees in the Obama Iran pact. Indeed, the agreement isn't even about reigning in Iran's nukes. It's about establishing an Obama "peace" legacy and cementing Iranian hegemony in the Mideast to counterbalance Israeli power.

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