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Congressional Republicans Weigh Votes to Strip Federal Funding from Planned Parenthood

Obama would never sign legislation stripping funding from this Nazi-like industrial abortion mill.

Remember, he's President Infanticide.

Still, the fanatical pro-aborts are freakin'.

At Politico, "Congress bears down on Planned Parenthood after second video":
Congress’ planned crackdown on Planned Parenthood is looking increasingly real.

Republican leaders are weighing a series of votes to defund Planned Parenthood — possibly beginning before the August recess — after the release of a second undercover sting video allegedly showing one of the abortion rights group’s officials discussing the sale of fetal organs.

The anti-Planned Parenthood drive extends to the House and Senate: The No. 2 Republican in each chamber said he expects votes to cut off federal funding for the group soon.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters Tuesday he’s anticipating amendments to strip the money over the course of the fall government funding debate. That’s in addition to a spate of Hill hearings he said are aimed at learning “the facts … and what’s truly is going on.”

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas said he expects lawmakers to offer a Planned Parenthood amendment to the highway bill, a major piece of must-pass legislation that’s slated for consideration beginning this week. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who is vying for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination, is personally eyeing such a strategy.

And some top Republicans expect GOP lawmakers to try to attach similar amendments to nearly any measure that crosses the Senate floor. Senate Republican Conference Committee Chairman John Thune of South Dakota, for example, said lawmakers will “offer amendments to whatever vehicles are coming across the Senate floor to deal with that: Defund it or deal with it in some other fashion.”

Planned Parenthood came under fire last week after an anti-abortion group released footage of an executive casually talking over lunch about doctors collecting fetal organs for biomedical companies during abortions — and allegedly about how much money could be earned through sales of fetal tissue.

On Tuesday, the same anti-abortion activists from the Center for Medical Progress released another undercover video depicting a different executive talking about the acceptable cost of such tissue, joking that she wants a Lamborghini as payment.
Planned Parenthood officials have said they do not profit off of fetal organs and have lambasted the videos as a smear campaign aimed at hurting the women’s health organization that also performs abortions.

The defunding threats come as pro-abortion rights group CREDO Mobile — which claims to be the largest corporate donor to Planned Parenthood — launched a campaign, imploring activists to contact Hill Democrats to support the organization more vocally...
Good luck with that.

I have a feeling the majority of congressional Dems will leave PP dangling in the wind. The politics of this whole thing are definitely not tilting leftward, and there's lots more videos to come.

Well played, Center for Medical Progress. Well played.

Still more at the link.

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