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Chattanooga Terrorist Mohammad Abdulazeez Sent Text Message 'Declaring War' on Enemies

I read about this text message earlier, at the Washington Post, "Tenn. gunman used drugs, struggled with clash of faith."

The suspect quotes the Hadith 38, "Allah the Almighty has said: 'Whosoever acts with enmity towards a friend [wali] of Mine, I will indeed declare war against him. Nothing endears My servant to Me than doing of what I have made obligatory upon him to do'."

Now authorities are scrutinizing this as a possible call to jihad.

At the New York Times, "Federal Inquiry Turns to a Text Sent by Gunman in Chattanooga Rampage":
Investigators are checking the text message not only to verify it, but to see if it provides any motivations for Mr. Abdulazeez.

The official said that the friend who came forward with the text message has been interviewed by F.B.I. agents. The friend, who has not been publicly identified, told Reuters that he thought nothing of the text initially, but now wonders if it was a hint of Thursday’s attacks...

Also at the BBC, "Chattanooga attack: Gunman Abdulazeez 'sent war text'."

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