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Has the New York Times Dismissed Bernie Sanders?

But of course.

The Old Gray Lady's in the tank for Hillary.

But see ombudswoman Margaret Sullivan, "Has the Times Dismissed Bernie Sanders?":
First, some numbers. Mr. Sanders, since his announcement on April 30 until the end of August, has been the subject of 59 Times articles (opinion pieces are not included here, nor are wire-service reports). This includes not only those on the news pages of the paper but also those in such mainly online homes as The Upshot and First Draft. Of those, 12 have been straight news coverage. And five Sanders articles have been on the front page since he declared.

How does this compare with the coverage of some of the other candidates, particularly Mrs. Clinton? Looking at August alone, The Times ran 14 articles on Mr. Sanders, compared with 54 on Mrs. Clinton. Donald Trump – like Mr. Sanders, also considered by many an extreme long shot for his party’s nomination – got the most coverage last month: 63 articles. Other Republican candidates received far less ink than Trump: Jeb Bush was the subject of 18 articles in August, and Marco Rubio, 10. (Of course, not all press is good press for any of the candidates. In Mrs. Clinton’s case, for example, many of the August articles dealt with her questionable email practices as secretary of state.)

So, in terms of numbers alone, The Times certainly has not ignored Mr. Sanders. The Times did get off to a very slow start with its Sanders coverage but has responded as the crowds at his events have grown...

Fourteen to 54? Well, if they're not ignoring him, he's sure got a ways to go before catching up to Hillary's wall-to-wall saturation coverage. Sheesh. And remember, I like Bernie Sanders for the lulz. I mean, the guy's an out-in-the-open socialist and he's leading the polls in both Iowa and New Hampshire? You'd think that would be leading the news. But, Hillary Clinton partisans with bylines. You know the story.

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