Here's the clip of Fiorina's comments, "Fiorina: Shame on us if we don't force Obama to veto Planned Parenthood."
Okay, now, you can see a 19-week-old baby placed in a metal surgical bowl after a botched abortion, kicking his legs, clearly still alive, kept there while technicians prepare to cut his face off to extract his brain. Watch, at 5:56 minutes, "Human Capital - Episode 3: Planned Parenthood's Custom Abortions for Superior Product." (Also at the Fresno Bee, "Anti-abortion video claims wrongdoing at Fresno, Stockton clinics.")
That's the left for you, the lying diabolical left.
At the Federalist, "Who’s Really Lying About the Planned Parenthood Videos? Carly Fiorina or the Factcheckers?"
And some of the links to the left's hateful, diabolical liars:
* At RH Reality Check, "Debunking Five Absurd Comments About Planned Parenthood From the GOP Debate."Now, see Mollie Hemingway, "The aborted baby the media claim does not exist."
* From the disgusting feminist slut Amanda Marcotte, "What Was Up With Carly Fiorina’s Grisly Abortion Rant?"
* From Caitlin MacNeal, at Josh Marshall far-left stink hole TPM, "Fiorina Stands by Her Bogus Debate Description of Planned Parenthood Vids."
* And from the congenitally stupid Sarah Kliff, at that other far-left stink hole, Ezra Klein's Vox, "Carly Fiorina is wrong about the Planned Parenthood tapes. I know because I watched them."
And she writes:
The media have consistently failed to cover the Planned Parenthood footage, and now they are covering up the truth. The reality is that babies of the same gestational age are having their organs harvested every day. These videos feature graphic footage of abortionists mangling babies to harvest organs to sell. They feature abortionists admitting that babies often survive those abortions. They show high-level Planned Parenthood officials encouraging this organ-harvesting scheme, acknowledged that it is happening, and attempting to skirt scrutiny from it.Lots more at Memeorandum.
The videos Carly Fiorina referenced do indeed exist, and they reveal the barbaric realities of the abortion industry.