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Black Book of the American Left Volume 5: Culture Wars

The new volume in David Horowitz's "Black Book" series it out December 10th. Pre-order today.

At Amazon, The Black Book of the American Left Volume 5: Culture Wars.
The basic facts of David Horowitz’s political odyssey, one of the most significant of the last forty years, are well known. A “red diaper baby” who grew up in what he has called “the ghetto of communism,” he became a leading Marxist “theorist” in the early 1960s and one of the godfathers of the New Left. But following America’s defeat in Vietnam, Horowitz began to reevaluate the damage these commitments had done to the country, in the process becoming one of the most important thinkers in the contemporary conservative movement.

The Black Book of the American Left is the result of those years, all that concerted intellectual effort. It collects all of Horowitz’s conservative writings over the past three decades—at once a sharp incision of the left’s agenda, an exploration of the routes conservatives might take in response to its permanent assault on America, and a unique trip log showing the evolving intellectual journey of one of our bravest and most original thinkers.

In the current volume, “Culture Wars,” Horowitz shows how today’s left uses culture as a battleground the way the old communist left used the economy. He focuses on the attacks on American values that began in the 1960s and have continued since—in Hollywood, in the “mainstream” press, and the publishing world--an effort at a wholesale reshaping of the national culture to reflect the agendas of the liberal political elites.

The triumph of “political correctness,” Horowitz believes, is merely an updated version of the communist “party line.” Today’s radical leftists who smuggle their opinions into everything from the Oscar ceremonies to the editorial pages are updated versions of the “useful idiots” (as Lenin called them) who parroted the propaganda of the Politburo in the past.

He analyzes in detail the other ways in which the left has prosecuted its culture war—by pushing multiculturalism (a direct frontal assault on the principle of e pluribus unum); by rewriting American history, at the high school and college level, to transform it into a narrative of violence and victimhood; by conquering and controlling the mainstream media; and by making “identity politics” and “gender” into weapons of cultural aggression.

We are in a Cultural War. You can hear the sounds of battle all around you. You can arm yourself and begin to fight back by reading Culture Wars.

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