Sanders promulgates democratic socialist (not socialist, I think) ideas and programs. It is a good thing that these progressive ideas are injected by Sanders as inoculation for the otherwise neoliberal dogma of Hilary’s campaignGreat. Let's put Vietcong pins on Bernie Sanders supporters, or better yet, the Sanders campaign can hand out ISIS flags at campaign rallies.
Certainly among the Sanders supporters there are many who will flock like liberal sheep to Hilary once the Bern burns out. However, I believe that among the Sanders supporters there are thousands who are dissatisfied, who are disgruntled, but who do not have a coherent left analysis, who therefore are open to our ideas as they weren’t before they got involved in the Sanders surge. These seekers will be open (certainly many of them) to ideas from the Left of Sanders
We must think as organizers. Yes, demonstrate, fight in the streets but spend some time and energy going to places where the Sanders campaign has gathered a crowd or a meeting but go not to disrupt, disrupting there would show how true we are to our knowledge, to our anger, to our need to show “them” us. But, what does this do? Doesn’t it drive away people, many of them young people who don’t (yet) have our understandings?
So I think that we should jump in the water. After all, the anti-war multitudes of the 60s and 70s were only disgruntled, dissatisfied people and without a coherent left analysis, yet we jumped in. Why? Because a movement can only be built on motion. Motion is people open, people leaving their normal placid acceptance if only a little, if only briefly. So, things swirled. Liberal anti-war marches. My collective would go, stand alongside the marchers with paper Viet Cong flags and pins, encouraging people to wear the flags. We gave maybe a thousand away. A good left action. We also had leaflets with our analysis of the war on Vietnam. Many people took those. Good. Better than if we had stayed home.
So, why don’t we joined a Sanders local campaign or go to a mass rally?
Still more.
Not only are the Democrats a Marixist collectivist party, hardline left-wing terrorists suck at the teat of the Democrat Party bosom. Bill Ayers was long ago rehabilitated by a terror-loving collectivist media, all too ready to welcome unrepentant fugitives into the Democrat-Media-Complex fold.
This is what's coming in November 2016: a bolder, aggressive leftist socialism, finally prepared to abandon the stealth socialism of the Obama interregnum.