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Democrats Freak Out as Donald Trump Campaign Puts Illegal Immigration at Top of Policy Agenda (VIDEO)

Priorities USA, Hillary Clinton's political action committee, is out with a new ad slamming Donald Trump and the GOP as racist on immigration, "This is the Republican Party."

(And at Big Government, "Dem Ad Attacks Trump, Bush, Walker In Spanish on Immigration.")

Obviously, though, the Democrats are shitting bricks now that Donald Trump has made illegal immigration, and Democrat Party murderous open-border sanctuary policies, the top policy concern of Americans.

At the Los Angeles Times, "How Donald Trump turned the immigration debate from reform to 'anchor babies'":

Priorities USA Attack Ad photo trump_clinton_ad_psg_zps2ysfeskl.jpg
At a recent anti-immigrant rally in the Inland Empire, where activists stood on a street corner chanting, “Help America, not illegals,” several sported the same white T-shirt. On it, in large blue letters, was a name: “Trump.”

This has been a satisfying summer for those who favor stricter immigration enforcement, thanks in no small part to Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

Less than a year ago, activists watched angrily as President Obama took sweeping executive action to shield millions of people in the country without legal status from deportation. But in a few short months, Trump has helped flip the national dialogue and given rise to a new surge of calls to ramp up deportations and wall off the Mexican border.

In Trump, anti-immigrant activists have found a brash and unapologetic celebrity spokesman – one whose impenitence was on display Tuesday when he tangled over immigration with Univision anchor Jorge Ramos after briefly kicking him out of a news conference.

Trump’s outrage over crimes committed by immigrants in the country illegally has spurred congressional assaults on “sanctuary city” policies. His proposal to end citizenship for children born to immigrants without legal status has forced more-moderate Republican presidential candidates to the right, with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and others using the controversial phrase “anchor babies.”

“It’s a good time for us,” said longtime anti-immigrant activist Robin Hvidston, whose group, We the People Rising, helped organize the rally in Ontario over the weekend. “Donald Trump has brought these issues to the front burner. Does it feel like public opinion is shifting? I’d say yes.”

A certain whiplash has come to define the immigration debate in recent years in the absence of a comprehensive fix to a system that all sides say is broken. Fierce battles play out episodically in Washington and at the state and local level, with activists on both sides trading defeats and victories.

Now the divisive issue is once again at the forefront of the presidential campaign — a fate Republican Party leaders hoped to avoid after 2012, when they ascribed their White House loss in part to their failure to win over large numbers of Latinos.

Recently, it seemed the immigration debate had swung in favor of immigrant advocates. Polls show a large majority of Americans support a path to citizenship, and advocates have won important victories at the local level, with driver’s licenses, healthcare and financial aid at public universities now available to immigrants without legal status in some states...
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