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Angry Hillary Clinton Shuts Down Press Conference, Waves Arms, Attacks Reporters for Asking Questions About Emails (VIDEO)

I saw her waving her hands today, walking away shrugging with body-language saying, "It's not my problem, you low-life scum-sucking losers."

And frankly, she did, if not in so many words.

At the Hill, via Memeorandum, "Clinton pulls plug on testy presser over server questions."

There's more at RealClearVideo, with both video and transcripts of the exchange, "Fireworks: Hillary Clinton vs. Ed Henry: 'My Personal Emails Are Personal, Right?'" (Via Memeorandum.)

Even the radical leftists at MSNBC are fed up with Ms. Clinton's stonewall, as you can see at the video below. Frankly, John Nichols is a Bernie Sanders operative anyway, and obviously thinks Clinton's in bed with Wall Street.

Plus, Amy Chozick has the transcript from the very last moment of the exchange, at the New York Times, "For Hillary Clinton, Another Grilling About Emails":

At one point Mr. [Ed] Henry [from Fox News] asked Mrs. Clinton about an NBC News report that the Federal Bureau of Investigation may be able to recover some of the messages on the server and whether she had tried to wipe the server clean before handing it over to the F.B.I. That exchange follows:

Mr. Henry: Did you try to wipe the entire server?

Mrs. Clinton: My personal emails are my personal business, right? We went through a painstaking process and turned over 55,000 pages of anything we thought could be work-related. Under the law, that decision is made by the official. I was the official. I made those decisions, and as I just said over 1,200 of the emails have already been deemed not work-related. All I can tell you is in retrospect had I used a government account and I’d said: “You know what, let’s release everything. Let’s let everybody in America see what I did for four years,” we would have the same arguments.

Mr. Henry: Answer the question. Did you try to wipe the whole server? You didn’t answer the question.

Mrs. Clinton: I don’t. I have no idea, that’s why I turned it over.

Mr. Henry: You were the official in charge of it. Did you wipe the server?

Mrs. Clinton: What? With a cloth or something?

Mr. Henry: I don’t know. You know how it works digitally.

Mrs. Clinton: I don’t know how it works digitally at all.

Mr. Henry: So you didn’t try? You did not try?

Mrs. Clinton: Ed, I know you want to make a point and I can just repeat what I said.

Mr. Henry: It’s a simple question.

Mrs. Clinton: In order to be as cooperative as possible we have turned over the server. They can do whatever they want to with the server to figure out what is there and not there. That’s for the people investigating it to figure out. But we have turned over everything that was work-related, every single thing. Personal stuff, we did not. I had no obligation to do so and did not.

After that, Mrs. Clinton started to depart the gymnasium here, where she had just concluded a wide-ranging town hall meeting. A NBC News reporter shouted, “Is this an indication that this issue isn’t going to go away for the remainder of your campaign?”

But by then a visibly irritated Mrs. Clinton had already made her way toward the door. She threw a wristy wave goodbye to the press corps as she said, “Nobody talks to me about it other than you guys.”
And here's Ed Henry's report from tonight's Special Report on Fox, "Mainstream Media Hammer Hillary Over E-Mail Troubles."

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