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Unit-Testing cron handlers in Google App Engine

Unit testing your code is a best practice in software development. By running small automated tests to individually verify each unit of code, such as a module, class or function, you can catch and debug errors early in your development process.

Google App Engine provides strong support for unit testing with Local Unit Testing tools, currently available for Python, Java, and Go.  With local unit testing, you run the unit tests within your development environment, without calling any remote components. The Local Unit Testing tools offer service stubs to simulate many App Engine services. You can use stubs as needed to  exercise your application code in local unit tests. You can also use open source packages like NoseGAE to further simplify the process of writing local App Engine unit tests.

Local unit tests using service stubs, however, handle routing and login constraints differently than code that calls the services directly. You have to keep these differences in mind when you design your tests.

When a customer had problems unit testing an App Engine cron handler, I was, of course, eager to help.  The cron handler was defined by the following  entry in app.yaml:

- url: /crontask.*
 login: admin_only

The App Engine Cron Service recommends that you limit access to URLs used by scheduled tasks to administrator accounts. That’s what the login: admin_only setting does.  

The customer wanted to check that non-admin users would indeed be blocked from those URLs.

The customer started with a placeholder implementation for the cron handler,

import webapp2
import time

class TestCronHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
   def get(self):
       self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
       self.response.write('Cron: {}'.format(time.time()))

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
   ('/crontask/test', TestCronHandler),
], debug=True)

Then they wrote a unit test ,
Note: the following test code uses the mock module. Run pip install mock to make the mock module available to your local Python 2.7 installation.

import sys

# configure unit testing for the case
# where the App Engine SDK is installed in
# /usr/local/google_appengine
sdk_path = '/usr/local/google_appengine'
sys.path.insert(0, sdk_path)
import dev_appserver

import mock
import unittest

import webapp2
from google.appengine.ext import testbed

import thecron

class CronTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

 def setUp(self):
     self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()

 def _aux(self, is_admin):
         USER_EMAIL = '',
         USER_ID = '123',
         USER_IS_ADMIN = str(int(bool(is_admin))),
         overwrite = True)
     request = webapp2.Request.blank('/crontask/test')
     with mock.patch.object(thecron.time,
                            'time', return_value=12345678):
         response = request.get_response(
     return response

 def testAdminWorks(self):
     response = self._aux(True)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 200)
     self.assertEqual(response.body, 'Cron: 12345678')

if __name__ == '__main__':

This first test, testAdminWorks, passed with flying colors, so the user added a second one:

 def testNonAdminFails(self):
     response = self._aux(False)
     self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 401)

But the new test failed--the status was 200 (success), not 401 (forbidden) as expected.

The problem was that unit tests do not go all the way back to app.yaml to get the complete routing and login constraints as would an application calling the services, not the unit-testing stubs. This test reached into the secondary routing in, which doesn’t impose login constraints. The app.yaml routing and everything else, such as mime-types, login constraints, etc., get tested only by tests calling the services instead of the unit-testing stubs.

So the customer added an admin-checking decorator, needs_admin, to

def needs_admin(func):
   def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
       if users.get_current_user():
           if not users.is_current_user_admin():
           return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
       return self.redirect(users.create_login_url(request.url))
   return inner

Then they decorated CronHandler.get with it:

class CronHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
   def get(self):  # etc, as before

Now the local unit tests calling the stub version of the cron service work, but an end-to-end test using the actual App Engine Cron Service functionality fails with status 401. What’s going on?

Long story short -- the App Engine Cron Service doesn’t log-in any user as it visits the appointed URLs -- therefore, in the handler, users.get_current_user() returns None.  Instead, the Cron Service sets a special request header -- X-AppEngine-Cron: true. This is a header that application code can fully trust, since App Engine removes such headers if they’re set in an external request.

All that the customer needed, to get their unit tests, end-to-end tests, local development application, and deployed application, working, was a slight modification to their needs_admin decorator:

def needs_admin(func):
  def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
       if self.request.headers.get('X-AppEngine-Cron') == 'true':
           return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
       if users.get_current_user():
           if not users.is_current_user_admin():
           return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
       return self.redirect(users.create_login_url(request.url))
   return inner

The new if statement handles the cron job case, mocked or not. The second if, as before, ensures that non-admin (or non-logged-in) users are blocked.

The moral is, do invest time and care in unit-testing.  It ensures the present and ongoing quality of your code. The App Engine Local Unit Testing tools and open-source add-ons like NoseGAE simplify the process of writing and running unit tests.

- Posted By Alex Martelli, Technical Solutions Engineer

from Google Cloud Platform Blog

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