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Islamic State throws four gay men off building in Iraq

This is the eighth gay murder by Islamic extremists this week

Photos of four gay men killed by Islamic extremists have been exposed to the public.

The four victims were taken to the top of a high building barefoot, blindfolded, hands tied and terrified in the ISIS stronghold of Fallujah, Iraq.

Held by their ankles, they were dropped head-first.

While many murders conducted by ISIS are in front of a huge crowd, intended to force the public into being controlled by fear and coercion, this time they are absent.

Posted online by Islamic State media, this is the eighth known murder of a gay man by ISIS in the past seven days.

To ‘celebrate’ the US passing marriage equality, terrorists threw four gay men off a building in Raqqa, Syria on Friday (26 June)

Mocking the message of victory, they posted: ‘Executed 4 GAY people by throwing him from High building in front of the people #LoveWins #IS.’

Source: Gay Star News, Joe Morgan, July 2, 2015

Related articles:
- UN: Islamic State Committing Atrocities on an "Industrial Scale", June 24, 2015
- Iraq: Crowd gathers to watch ISIS murder three gay men, June 3, 2015

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