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Fed: Industrial Production increased 0.3% in June

From the Fed: Industrial production and Capacity Utilization
Industrial production increased 0.3 percent in June but fell at an annual rate of 1.4 percent for the second quarter of 2015. In June, manufacturing output was unchanged: The output of motor vehicles and parts fell 3.7 percent, but production elsewhere in manufacturing rose 0.3 percent. The indexes for mining and utilities advanced 1.0 percent and 1.5 percent, respectively. At 105.7 percent of its 2007 average, total industrial production in June was 1.5 percent above its year-earlier level. Capacity utilization for the industrial sector increased 0.2 percentage point in June to 78.4 percent, a rate that is 1.7 percentage points below its long-run (1972–2014) average.
emphasis added
Capacity Utilization Click on graph for larger image.

This graph shows Capacity Utilization. This series is up 11.5 percentage points from the record low set in June 2009 (the series starts in 1967).

Capacity utilization at 78.4% is 1.7% below the average from 1972 to 2012 and below the pre-recession level of 80.8% in December 2007.

Note: y-axis doesn't start at zero to better show the change.

Industrial Production The second graph shows industrial production since 1967.

Industrial production increased 0.3% in June to 105.1. This is 26.2% above the recession low, and 4.9% above the pre-recession peak.

This was above expectations of a 0.2% increase, and prior months were revised up.  Much of the recent weakness has been due to lower oil prices - overall a solid report.

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