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DoubleClick Search features in June

In June, we added the following features to DoubleClick Search (DS):
  • Estimated cross-device Floodlight conversions: Cross-device conversions occur when customers see or click a search ad on one device but convert on a different device. Floodlight activities can estimate the total number of cross-device conversions that occur, giving you a better picture of how your search ads are contributing to your overall total conversions.

  • Create and report on AdWords callout extensions in DoubleClick Search: Callout extensions allow you to add additional descriptive text in your AdWords ads and then report on performance in DoubleClick Search. They give you the opportunity to promote popular or unique aspects of your business.

    For example, you can use a callout extension to add Free shipping, 24-7 customer service, and Price matching to your ads:
  • Set AdWords proximity targets in DoubleClick Search: You can create proximity targets (also known as radius targets) in your AdWords campaigns to show your ads to customers who are within a certain distance from a location.

    Proximity targets also enable you to set bid adjustments to better reach likely customers. For example, you could target the city where your business is located and bid more for those searches because people who are in the area are more likely to visit.

We also updated the following features:
  • Copy AdWords campaigns to Baidu engine accounts: If you need to manage the same campaigns on multiple engine accounts, instead of manually creating the campaigns one by one on each account, you can create them once in AdWords, and then copy the campaign and applicable settings to Baidu accounts (as well as Bing Ads, Yahoo! JAPAN, and other AdWords accounts).

    If later you make changes to one of the campaigns, you can also copy the changes into the other accounts.

  • Specify device type in uploaded conversions: If you upload conversions from DoubleClick Search bulksheets or the DoubleClick Search API, you can now specify the type of device on which the conversion occurred.

See these updates in action in the new features training video for June.
The full list of new feature training videos is available in DoubleClick Search Help.

Posted by the DoubleClick Search team

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