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App Engine for Go is Generally Available

Today, we are announcing that Google App Engine for Go is now generally available. We're officially removing the "beta" label and extending App Engine's Service Level Agreement and Deprecation Policy to App Engine for Go.

Go is the cloud-native, open source language built to solve large-scale compute problems. Originally deployed as an experimental service in 2011, App Engine for Go has been serving production web and mobile applications for more than four years. In that time, the community has seen Go become the standard for cloud infrastructure technologies, including Docker and Kubernetes. App Engine for Go now serves millions of compute hours every month.

This announcement won't change how you use App Engine today, but we have heard your feedback: We will continue to make significant investments in App Engine for Go, including an improved SDK and an upgrade to the Go 1.5 runtime. Our goal is to make App Engine the best deployment platform for Go programmers.

For more information about App Engine for Go, see our complete online documentation.

- Posted by Jason Buberel, Product Manager, Go

from Google Cloud Platform Blog

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