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After 5 months Iran regime admits to execution of Kurdish political prisoners

The Iranian regime has admitted that it had executed 2 Kurdish political prisoners nearly 5 months ago in a prison in the western city of Orumieh.

Authorities in the city's Central Prison told the dissidents' relatives that they had been hanged on February 19, 2015 and ordered them to pay for the cost of the execution.

The 2 Kurdish brothers Ali and Habib Afshari, were hanged along with 4 other prisoners. At the time, the authorities threatened their families not to follow up on their loved ones' whereabouts.

The Afshari brothers, from the city of Mahabad, were arrested in early 2011 along with 2 other brothers, Jaafar and Vali, and were tortured for months and were sentenced to death in the clerical regime's sham courts under the fabricated charge of "Moharebeh" (waging war against God).

Ali Afshari, who was shot and injured during his arrest by the suppressive forces, was in critical condition due to an infection of his wound, but the henchmen refused to provide him with minimum medical treatment.

In a statement published on February 20, 2015 the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) condemned the execution of the Afshari brothers and other political prisoners and offered its condolences to their families.

Source: NCR-Iran, July 12, 2015

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