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Kenya: MP proposes Bill to abolish death penalty

The death penalty could be abolished if a Bill proposed by an MP becomes law.

An MP has drafted a Bill whose enactment would result in the repeal of the death sentence from Kenya's laws and stop the accumulation of death-row prisoners.

This would be by removing death as a kind of punishment from the Penal Code via the Penal Code (Amendment) Bill and the Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Bill.

The Bill is by Oljororok MP John Waiganjo and is at the stage where the Justice and Legal Affairs Committee is supposed to scrutinise it prior to publication and formal introduction in the House.

Mr Waiganjo argues that having the death sentence in the law, contrary to the Bill of Rights in the Constitution, is not proper.

"Article 26 of the Constitution guarantees the right to life for all citizens and provides that this right may only be qualified by the Constitution or an Act of Parliament," said the MP in the Bill.

"The punishment is immoral, ineffective as a deterrent and has failed to adequately restore victims of crimes for which it is prescribed," he added.

Kenya has not executed a single death row convict since the hanging of Hezekiah Ochuka, the junior officer in the Kenya Air Force who headed the coup attempt in August 1982.

The number of death row convicts has however continued to accumulate since the provision is still in the statutes.

You can be subjected to the death sentence for robbery with violence or murder.

Robbery with violence can be as simple as using a knife to threaten someone before robbing them to shooting and injuring them before taking away their possessions.


The 2 draft Bills are understood to have caused intense debate at the committee's meeting last Tuesday, which was closed to the public, as a number of MPs in the team support the death sentence.

Kiharu MP Irungu Kang'ata, who is an advocate of the High Court, said the penalty acts as a deterrent and that "some offences are too grave and only the death sentence can assuage the loss."

He gave defilers and mass murderers as among the people who should be put to death for their crimes.

He argued that it is too expensive to keep prisoners serving life sentences and a poor state such as Kenya would be better off using that money to support orphans rather than murderers and robbers.

"Some offences should not attract death: such as robbery with violence where a victim doesn't die, treason, which is a political offence," he added.

Some members of the committee were also reported to be of the view that there needs to be mitigation allowed before the death sentence is imposed so that if a policeman kills in the line of duty, he can be imprisoned for life rather than be killed.


In prison, death row convicts do not work because "they are waiting to die" but because there have been no executions for 28 years, that wait is considered meaningless.

In 2009, then President Mwai Kibaki commuted the death sentences of more than 4,000 death row inmates to life sentences.

He said he was following the advice of a constitutional committee and asked Kenyans to engage in a national debate on the issue, implying therefore that the death penalty could be repealed.

In July 2010, the Court of Appeal declared unconstitutional the mandatory death sentence for murder.

Source:, June 20, 2015

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