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Iran: 32 prisoners executed on the verge of Ramadan

Watching a public hanging in Iran (file photo)
Watching a public hanging in Iran (file photo)
The Iranian regime's henchmen hanged at least 32 prisoners on the verge of the holy month of Ramadan.

On Tuesday, June 16, 25 prisoners were collectively hanged in Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) Prison in Karaj. Prior to that, on Monday, 4 prisoners were collectively executed in the Central Prison in the same city.

Additionally, on June 16, 1 prisoner in Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad and another prisoner in Eqlid (Fars Province) were executed. On June 17, an Afghan prisoner was executed in the city of Sari. The executions in Eqlid and Sari were public hangings.

Moreover, on June 16, the authorities in Adel-Abad Prison of Shiraz transferred 22 prisoners to isolation in preparation for their execution. Death verdicts for 10 more prisoners in Zahedan prison was also confirmed by the Iranian regime Judiciary.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the Iranian people, especially the courageous youth, to protest this atrocity and to support the families of the victims and urges the international community to adopt a resolute policy toward this regime.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, stated in the giant rally of supporters of the Iranian Resistance on June 13 in Paris: "For violation of human rights in Iran, the nuclear impasse, the crisis in the region, and to confront ISIS, the solution lies in the overthrow of the regime in Tehran." She referred to the escalating uprisings and protests of the Iranian people and said: "The velayat-e faqih has reached the end of the line and the Iranian people demand a major change."

Source: Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, June 19, 2015

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