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Forecast: Auto Sales above 17 Million SAAR in June

Nothing to add on Greece right now, so here is another forecast for June auto sales.

From WardsAuto: Forecast: SAAR Expected to Remain Above 17 Million in June
A WardsAuto forecast calls for U.S. automakers to deliver 1.48 million light vehicles this month.
The report puts the seasonally adjusted annual rate of sales for the month at 17.2 million units, shy of last month’s 17.7 million SAAR, but ahead of the current 3-month SAAR (17.1 million) and the year-to-date SAAR through May (16.8 million).

The forecast reflects reports of very strong retail activity for most automakers continuing from May offset somewhat by a downturn in sales to fleets.
Projected June LV sales would bring year-to-date deliveries to 8.5 million units, a 4.6% improvement from same-period 2014. WardsAuto currently is forecasting 16.94 million LV deliveries for calendar 2015.
Another strong month, and on pace for close to 17 million for the year.

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