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DS features in May


In May, we added the following features to DoubleClick Search (DS):
  • Support for AdWords "Mobile app installs" campaigns: Use DS to create, target, measure, and optimize on “Mobile app installs” campaigns, a new, simple type of AdWords campaign that focuses on getting people to download your app. Ads from these campaigns appear only on phones or tablets, and they land directly on your app in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Learn more.
  • Manage and report on local inventory ads: Local inventory ads advertise products that are available in nearby stores when a customer searches for items on Google. You can now use DS to manage and report on your local inventory ads along with online ads in AdWords Shopping campaigns. Learn more.
  • New reporting column for AdWords campaigns: The Invalid clicks column displays the number of clicks on ads that Google considers to be illegitimate, such as unintentional clicks or clicks resulting from malicious software, as reported by AdWords.
  • Ad rotation settings for Bing Ads: If you create more than one ad in a Bing Ads ad group, Bing Ads can either rotate through the ads evenly or predominantly show ads that have the highest click-through rate (CTR). You can use the DS UI or DS bulksheets to specify how Bing Ads should rotate ads in an ad group.

We also updated the following features:
  • DS URL templates are now hierarchical: Use DS URL templates to apply a redirect URL or a set of URL parameters to landing page URLs for keywords and sitelinks. You can create DS URL templates at multiple levels within an engine account. For example, you can create separate URL templates for each campaign or ad group. Learn more.
  • Improved support for Merchant Center multi-client accounts: If you use DS to manage AdWords Shopping campaigns or inventory keyword campaigns and you have a parent Merchant Center accounts, known as a multi-client account, you only need to link the parent account to DS and AdWords. Learn more.

Posted by the DoubleClick Search team

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