Here is your semi-regular make-up thread, to discuss all things make-up.
Do you have a make-up product you'd recommend? Are you looking for the perfect foundation which has remained frustratingly elusive? Need or want to offer make-up tips? Searching for hypoallergenic products? Want to grouse about how you hate make-up? Want to gush about how you love it?
Whatever you like—have at it!
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I got a sample of Juice Beauty's Stem Cellular CC Cream recently, and I've worn it a couple of times, and I like it. I don't love it, but I like it.
(To be clear: I'm not getting anything in return from Juice Beauty for talking about this product. It's one of the samples I got in my last Birchbox, so thought I'd share my review.)
I got the "Natural Glow," which is the lightest tint they offer. It doesn't provide a whole lot of coverage, but it does provide a nice dewy sort of glow on my skin.
So, if you're looking for a CC cream that's light enough to give you a little shine but still retain a fairly natural look, you might want to give this one a try. Especially if you're specifically looking for organic and cruelty-free cosmetics.
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Please note, as always, that advice should be not be offered to an individual person unless they solicit it. Further: This thread is open to everyone—women, men, genderqueer folks. People who are make-up experts, and people who are make-up newbies. Also, because there is a lot of racist language used in discussions of make-up, and in make-up names, please be aware to avoid turns of phrase that are alienating to women of color, like "nude" or "flesh tone" when referring to a peachy or beige color. I realize some recommended products may have names that use these words, so please be considerate about content noting for white supremacist (and/or Orientalist) product naming.