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Share your feedback on AdSense, AdMob, and other Google publisher solutions

It’s time to share your feedback! To improve our product and services, we send out a survey to a random group of our publishers every 6 months. The next survey will be sent soon and we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Your feedback and comments are important to us, and we really do read and consider everything you write. Thanks to previous suggestions, we’ve launched a number of new features to improve our services and help you grow your earnings. These include the redesign of the performance reports with a brand new dashboard, Matched content to help you increase engagement with your site visitors, and welcoming Malay and Hindi languages to the AdSense family.

You may receive a survey by email over the coming weeks. To make sure that you can receive the survey email, please take the following steps as soon as possible:

Whether you’ve completed this survey before or you’re providing feedback for the first time, we’d like to thank you for sharing your valuable thoughts. We’re looking forward to feedback!

Posted by Adriana Satmarean
AdSense Publisher Happiness Team

from Inside AdSense

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