Try these pointers for a successful verbal exchange:
1. Always get the other person's name and always give your name.
2. During the conversation, use the other person's name at least once.
3. Always try to connect with the other person in some common interest or bond. This causes a feeling of rapport.
4. Look the other person in the eye. This doesn't mean stare at the other person. It means moving your eyes within a triangle formed by the width of the forehead at the apex narrowing to the mouth at the bottom of the triangle.
5. Minimize focus on yourself and keep the conversation on the other person.
6. Ask open-ended questions that can not be answered with a "yes" or "no" to keep the conversation rolling.
There are other aspects of conversation that are also universal. They are:
- Smile, smile, smile, then smile some more.
- Be sincere.
- Be complimentary when the compliment is sincere.
- Don't mumble.
- Be enthusiastic and positive.
No matter how difficult it is for you to carry on a conversation with a social acquaintance now, remember that it does get easier with practice.
So, practice!