1. Overseeing His Real Nature (Thanks to Infatuation)
Initial attraction between two people can be so strong that it blinds both people who subconsciously ignore the obvious flaws in the other person. This is normal because no one is perfect. However, women have already gained a reputation because of our ongoing effort to change our men. Many women will continue to be ‘stuck’ for men long after he treated her as a doormat. It is a matter of time before a relationship like this collapses.2. Assuming Your Boyfriend Understands Everything You Think
3. Pretending to Be Somebody Else Just to Keep Him
This may sound like the biggest cliché, but most of the men are interested in the kind of woman who knows exactly what she wants, and who is comfortable in her skin. There is nothing wrong in pretending that you’re someone else to spice up things in the bedroom, but remaining true to yourself is a powerful, and long-lasting, aphrodisiac.4. Premature Disclosure of Feelings
5. The Belief that He was Interested in Just Every Single Aspect of Your Life
No matter how much you love them, don’t you sometimes get bored when he talks about certain things, say when he gets all talkative on the subject of car parts, or when he tries to guess the result of the upcoming football match?Therefore you should not be surprised that he does not show any interest in your detailed description of the haircut you want, or the recipe that you made for friends on Christmas night of 2009. Mystery is sexy. Keep certain things to yourself.