Arab-Israeli Conflict, conflict between Arabs and
Jews in the Middle East over the land of historic Israel and Palestine. The
conflict has led to several wars, beginning in 1948, among Arab nations,
Palestinian refugees, and the state of Israel. Since 1979 several peace accords
have been signed, addressing parts of the conflict.
Throughout recorded history the land of historic Israel
and Palestine, located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, was
conquered many times by invaders. The area is the homeland of the Jewish
people, who immigrated to the area beginning in the 13th century bc as Hebrew tribes. The tribes
confederated as the Israelites who ruled much of the area from the 11th century
to the 6th century bc. The Jews
formed an identity as the people of the covenant but subsequently came under
the rule of others until they succeeded in establishing an independent Jewish
state called Judea in 168 bc. The
Romans expelled the Jews from Judea in ad
135. In subsequent centuries many Jews maintained the idea of regaining control
of the area, which they considered home. In the 1890s Theodor Herzl, a Jewish
journalist living in Austria, advocated reestablishing a Jewish state in
Palestine. Herzl believed Zionism (the reuniting of Jewish people in Palestine)
would match 'a people without a land with a land without a people.'
Palestine was already inhabited, however. The
countryside was home to Arabs, most of them Muslims, while the larger towns
contained both Arabs and Jews. Some of the Jews were long established there,
while others were religious pilgrims from Europe who had come to live near the
holy sites in Jerusalem and other cities. (Because the vast majority of
Palestinians were Muslim Arabs, the term Palestinians now usually refers only
to them, not to the Jews of Israel. Most Palestinians are Muslims.) The land
was ruled by the Ottoman Empire, but the Ottomans saw little of value in
Palestine and neglected the area. Consequently, poverty, disease, and
malnutrition were widespread. Nonetheless, the area served as a land corridor
between Europe, Asia, and Africa and thus had strategic importance. It was also
near the Suez Canal, which, when opened in Egypt in 1869, connected the
Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. Palestine was therefore important to the
British, who occupied Egypt in 1882 and depended on control of the canal for
its fortunes.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries
the Zionist movement gained strength in Europe, and large numbers of Jews
immigrated to Palestine. The movement focused on self-reliance through
agriculture, and many immigrants settled in the countryside. To do so, Jews had
to buy land from local Arab holders of small tracts and from absentee Arab
landlords of large areas. As a result, Jews and Arabs came into increasing
contact; at times, Jewish purchases led to the displacement of Arab peasants
from the land. Although the Ottoman government sought to slow the Zionist
movement, Jews established a significant and expanded presence. Their success
furthered the world debate about whether and how to establish a Jewish
homeland, and it also created apprehension among Arabs.
With the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World
War I (1914-1918), control of Palestine shifted from Muslim to Western powers.
In return for their help in the war Britain had promised autonomy to both
Zionists and Arabs. In a series of letters known as the Husein-McMahon
Correspondence (between Husein ibn Ali of Mecca, who ruled Arabs in the Al
Ḩijāz on the Arabian Peninsula, and Sir Henry McMahon, the British high
commissioner in Egypt), the Arabs were promised the right to a new Arab nation
in the lands of the former Ottoman Empire. The promise to the Jews came in the
form of the Balfour Declaration (named for the British foreign secretary, Lord
Arthur Balfour, who communicated the declaration). Issued by the British in
1917, it read:
His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
The British were not troubled by potential contradictions
between the Husein-McMahon Correspondence and the Balfour Declaration. They
explained that they had not promised all the land of the Ottomans to
either the Arabs or the Jews; they had merely promised parts of it to each
group. The British did not elaborate on what would happen if both groups wanted
the same land. Following the war, Britain sought and received a mandate from
the League of Nations to rule Palestine and develop it according to the premise
of the Balfour Declaration.
In 1922 the British separated Palestine into
two territories: land east of the Jordan River became the Emirate of
Transjordan (now Jordan); land to the west, from Lebanon and Syria in the north
to Egypt in the south, remained Palestine. It was in this limited territory
that Zionists clashed with Palestinian Arab nationalists. Both Jews and Arabs
conducted terrorist attacks and intermittent, low-level warfare. Both groups
resisted the British, particularly when a British policy was believed to
benefit one side over the other. The struggle was reflected in political
efforts to control land, institutions, and the economy.
Initially, Britain took several steps to aid the Arab
side. For example, before World War II (1939-1945) the British did not allow
large numbers of Jews to come to Palestine from Europe, where they were often
persecuted. Nonetheless, Zionists gradually gained the upper hand through
steady land purchases, slow but continual immigration, and community
organization. After World War II the world became aware of the murder of
millions of Jews in the Holocaust, and opinion began to favor creating an
independent Jewish state. Arabs in Palestine and elsewhere continued to resist
the idea, but on November 29, 1947, the United Nations (UN) passed Resolution
181, which called for a partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab
states. The Jews accepted the resolution, but the Arabs opposed it. On May 14,
1948, the British mandate was terminated and at midnight the Jewish state of
Israel declared its independence. The new state came under immediate attack
from the Palestinian population and Arabs of the surrounding countries,
including Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.
In the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-1949 Arab forces
(including the armies of Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq as well
as Palestinian guerrillas) had expected an easy victory over the small and
isolated Jewish state, but despite heavy casualties Israel won. Israel also
increased the land under its control far beyond what it had been given by the
partition plan. The region just west of the Jordan River known as the West Bank
came under the control of Transjordan (which was renamed Jordan in 1949). Egypt
gained control of the Gaza Strip, a small region bordering the southern end of
Israel’s Mediterranean coast. The demoralized Arab world was unwilling to
accept the Israeli victory, and shortly after the war the Arabs began to
regroup for more fighting. The war had also created a large population of
Palestinian Arab refugees who fled Israel for camps maintained by the UN in
neighboring Arab states. With the exception of Jordan, Arab countries generally
refused to allow Palestinians to settle outside the camps or to be granted
citizenship. As a result, the conflict between Israeli Jews and Palestinian
Arabs continued to fester.
In the mid-1950s the Egyptian government began
to support Palestinian guerrilla raids into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Egypt
also refused to allow Israeli ships to use the Suez Canal and in 1951 blockaded
the Strait of Tiran (Israel’s access to the Red Sea), which Israel regarded as
an act of war. In June 1956 Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, which had been
jointly owned by Britain and France. In late October, Israel invaded the Gaza
Strip and Sinai Peninsula, defeating Egyptian forces there. Britain and France
attacked Egypt a few days later. Although the fighting was brief and Israel
eventually withdrew from the Sinai and Gaza, the conflict further exacerbated
regional tensions.
In 1967 Egypt, Syria, and Jordan massed their
armies on Israel’s borders, and several Arab states called for war. Egypt
demanded the withdrawal of UN observers from the Sinai Peninsula. Assuming
the Arabs would attack, Israel struck first, in June 1967, and caught the Arabs
by surprise. In the Six-Day War that followed, Israel demolished the armies and
air forces of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. It also gained control of the West
Bank, the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights region of
southwestern Syria, and all of Jerusalem. A second wave of Palestinian refugees
fled the fighting, worsening the problem created by the first exodus in 1948.
With the armies of its enemies crushed, Israel felt it could wait for the Arab
states to offer peace on terms it found comfortable. Many UN members were less
confident that peace would follow and generally did not approve of Israel’s
territorial gains. In late November the UN Security Council passed Resolution
242, which called for an exchange of territory for peace and for a resettling
of the Palestinian refugees.
The Arab states continued to call for the
destruction of Israel, while Israel for its part, refused to consider
withdrawing from the territories it had occupied except in the context of a
comprehensive peace plan. The Arabs increasingly threw their support behind the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), a political body that had been formed
in 1964 to create a Palestinian state. Using terrorism, the PLO attacked Israel
from their bases in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria; attacks by Palestinian Arabs
came from within the Gaza Strip and West Bank as well. Israel’s position
hardened, and little progress toward achieving peace was made in the late 1960s
or early 1970s.
Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat reconstructed the
Egyptian army in the early 1970s. Syria also prepared for war and received
weapons from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Israel, in turn,
fortified its forward positions and was supplied with weapons by the United
States. The Arabs attacked in October 1973 on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of
the Jewish year, and caught Israel by surprise. Egypt and Syria pushed across
the armistice lines established after the Six-Day War, which had kept Egyptian
troops west of the Suez Canal and Syrian troops northeast of the Golan Heights.
The Arab advances greatly restored Arab confidence. Israel, however, quickly
recovered from the surprise and again pushed into Arab territory, surrounding
or destroying the bulk of the Egyptian and Syrian forces. Nevertheless, Israel
suffered greatly in the three-week war, especially from the injuries, deaths,
and massive physical destruction of the war’s first two days. Moreover,
Israel’s confidence was shaken, and the euphoria that followed the country’s
victory in the Six-Day War was lost. In Israel and among most Western
countries, the conflict came to be known as the Yom Kippur War; Arabs call it
the October War or Ramadan War. See Arab-Israeli War of 1973.
Following the war, U.S. secretary of state Henry
Kissinger negotiated a series of disengagement agreements with the warring
parties. Kissinger’s work (labeled shuttle diplomacy because he flew
back and forth between the capitals of the warring countries, which refused to
meet with one another) did little to change the prewar status quo, and the
countries were technically still at war. Even so, the agreements did reverse
the military buildup and achieved a relatively peaceful, if tense, stalemate.
In the late 1970s Egypt’s military expenses
caused it increasing economic hardship and social unrest, prompting Sadat to
initiate negotiations with Israel in 1977. Sadat hoped to end the military buildup
and regain the Sinai Peninsula. Israelis greeted Sadat’s visit to Jerusalem
enthusiastically. United States president Jimmy Carter facilitated the
negotiations between Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin. The
agreements came to be known as the Camp David Accords after the Maryland
retreat where Carter hosted some of the negotiations. Under the peace treaty
signed in March 1979, Egypt regained the Sinai Peninsula, which was partially
demilitarized; foreign observers were placed in the peninsula to maintain the
treaty’s provisions; and Israel and Egypt entered into normal diplomatic
relations. For its part, Israel achieved peace with what had been its largest
enemy at the cost of evacuating Israeli settlers from the Sinai and losing some
investment in the area’s infrastructure, such as roads and housing. The Camp
David Accords, however, did nothing for Syria and only advanced the Palestinian
cause in the vaguest of terms. For these reasons, the Arab League expelled
Egypt and the rest of the Arab world widely condemned the accords. In 1981
Sadat was assassinated by a group of Islamic fundamentalists within the
Egyptian army. Egypt continued to maintain relations with Israel after Sadat’s
Following Camp David, Syria maintained its warlike
posture and demanded the unconditional surrender of the Golan Heights, and the
PLO continued its terrorist assaults on Israel. In 1982 Israel tried to wipe
out the PLO by attacking its bases in Lebanon, which had been plunged into its
own civil war in 1975. The assault on the PLO, which Israel called Operation
Peace for Galilee, quickly escalated into ground battles in Lebanon and
full-scale engagements between the Israeli and Syrian air forces. After a siege
on Beirut the PLO leadership evacuated from Lebanon and relocated to Tunisia.
Arabs were frustrated that Israel had occupied an Arab capital with little
intervention from the rest of the world, and the Palestinians of the
Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip felt more isolated and abandoned than
ever. Israel withdrew from most of Lebanon by 1985, though it continued to
maintain a self-declared security zone inside Lebanon along the Israeli border
until 2000.
In the late 1980s Palestinians began the intifada
(uprising), a widespread campaign against the continuing Israeli occupation of
the Gaza Strip and West Bank. The campaign combined elements of mass
demonstrations, civil disobedience, riots, and terrorism. The intifada put the
Israeli army on the defensive and forced them to devote significant resources
to patrolling the West Bank and Gaza Strip as a police force. Along with
Israeli civilian casualties, many soldiers, including civilian reservists, were
injured or killed, and the army in turn often used brutal tactics against
As a result of the intifada, pressure
grew within Israel to broaden the peace process. The opportunity to do so was
provided in 1991 by the Persian Gulf War. In this war, a multinational
coalition of Western and Arab armies expelled Iraq from Kuwait, which Iraq had
invaded in 1990. One of the coalition’s chief partners was the United States, a
strong ally of Israel. Following the Western-Arab victory, the United States,
along with its one-time enemy the USSR, pressed Arabs and Israelis to pursue
peace in the Madrid Conference of 1991. For the first time, all sides sat
together to discuss bilateral and region-wide peace talks. Although little
progress was made, the conference paved the way for future agreements.
In 1993, while the official negotiating teams
of the Palestinians and Israel were engaged in deadlocked negotiations in the
United States, the two sides achieved a major breakthrough with the Oslo
Accords, which were secretly negotiated in Oslo, Norway. The Oslo Accords and
the resulting Declaration of Principles set the stage for a gradual transfer of
power to the Palestinians. Further agreements in 1994 and 1995 gave the
Palestinians autonomy over most aspects of life in the Gaza Strip and in urban
areas of the West Bank through a new administrative body, the Palestinian
National Authority (PNA). In the first elections for the PNA in 1996, PLO
chairman Yasir Arafat was chosen as its president. Finally, the agreements
stated that soon after these elections Israel would conduct further withdrawals
from rural areas of the West Bank, after which talks addressing the final
status of the Palestinian areas would begin.
Meanwhile, with the initial progress on the
Palestinian issue, many Arab states felt freer to engage Israel openly and
formally, though still with caution. On the heels of the 1993 agreements,
Israel and Jordan took steps to negotiate a cooperative relationship. Despite
opposition from other Arabs that Jordan’s King Hussein, like Egypt’s Sadat
before him, was abandoning Palestinian interests in pursuit of a treaty with
Israel, Hussein was undeterred. Jordan and Israel signed a peace agreement in
1994. By the mid-1990s Israel had also achieved diplomatic relations with Arab
countries in North Africa and the Persian Gulf.
Despite these accomplishments towards peace, some
terrorism and bloodshed continued. Palestinians conducted terrorist attacks on
Israeli citizens, and on a number of occasions Israeli extremists responded in
kind. Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in 1995 by an
Israeli student opposed to the peace process. Under Israeli prime minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, the peace process stalled in 1997. While Netanyahu
completed some elements of the peace agreements, such as removing Israeli
troops from the West Bank town of Hebron, some of his policies, including
building Israeli settlements in Arab East Jerusalem, angered Palestinians and
earned rebukes from many nations.
In October 1998 Netanyahu and Arafat signed an
accord by which Israel would withdraw from additional West Bank territory in
return for Palestinian security measures against terrorist attacks on Israel.
The Palestinians also agreed to remove articles that called for Israel's
destruction in their national charter. In November Israel completed the first
of three scheduled withdrawals, but froze the implementation of the accord the
following month. Israel claimed that the Palestinians had not carried out their
part of the accord and placed new conditions on further withdrawals. These
developments again stalled the peace process and delayed negotiations on the
final status of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In 1999 elections Netanyahu was
defeated by Labor Party leader Ehud Barak, who vowed to move the peace process
Negotiations between Barak and Arafat were encouraging
at first, but foundered over expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip and the issue of how Israelis and Palestinians could share the
city of Jerusalem. Despite the active participation of U.S. president Bill
Clinton, the two sides were unable to come to agreement after marathon
negotiating sessions held at Camp David, Maryland, in the summer of 2000. The
failure generated bitter frustration among both Israelis and Palestinians.
The volatile situation erupted in September with the
outbreak of a second intifada (known as the Al Aqsa intifada, after the holy Al
Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem). Palestinian militants resumed widespread resistance
to Israel in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, along with a string of devastating
terrorist attacks in Israel proper. At the same time, the Israeli army
increased its restrictions on the Palestinian population and stepped up its
military tactics. During the second intifada, loss of life was heavy on both
sides and peace negotiations broke down. In the absence of meaningful
diplomacy, the situation was marked by increased use of force by the Israeli
side and frequent suicide and ambush attacks by the Palestinian side.
In a February 2001 election Likud party leader
Ariel Sharon defeated Barak and became prime minister of Israel. In late 2001
Sharon asserted that Arafat was either unwilling or unable to represent the
Palestinian people adequately and was therefore irrelevant to the peace
process. Sharon disengaged from the peace process and announced that Israel
would withdraw unilaterally from the Gaza Strip. With mounting pressure from
both Palestinian and Israeli extremist groups, the subsequent period was marked
by pessimism and bitterness on both sides of the conflict.
In December 2001, in response to a surge in
Palestinian suicide bombings in Israel, Israeli forces surrounded and severely
damaged Arafat’s compound in the West Bank town of Râm Allâh, also known as
Ramallah. Israeli forces kept Arafat confined to the compound until he traveled
to France for medical care shortly before his death there in November 2004.
Arafat was succeeded as leader of the Palestinian National Authority by Mahmoud
In September 2005 Israel evacuated Jewish settlers
from the Gaza Strip after the Israeli parliament had approved Sharon’s decision
to unilaterally withdraw from the territory. Although Palestinians welcomed the
departure, the PNA still sought a negotiated settlement with Israel over the
future of the West Bank and Jerusalem.
In November, Sharon called an election for the
following March. He resigned from Likud and formed a new party called Kadima.
In January 2006 Sharon suffered a stroke from which he failed to recover. He
was succeeded in Kadima and as prime minister by Ehud Olmert. The peace process
was thrown into turmoil by the Hamas victory in the Palestinian Legislative
Assembly elections. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist. As a
result of the Hamas victory, international aid, upon which the PNA depended for
its economic welfare, was restricted.
Kadima’s victory in the Israeli election failed to
ease the crisis. Low-level skirmishes between Gaza-based militias and the
Israeli forces erupted into a full-scale Israeli offensive in June when Hamas
killed two Israeli soldiers and abducted a third in an incursion from the Gaza
Strip into Israeli territory. From June to August 2006 more than 200
Palestinians were killed in the offensive that also saw the destruction of much
of Gaza’s infrastructure, with the Olmert government refusing to bargain for
the release of the soldier.
Then in July, on the northern border of
Israel, the Iranian- and Syrian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah abducted two
Israeli soldiers, killed several others, and shelled a number of communities.
Israel responded by launching an attack on southern Lebanon, including air
raids on Hezbollah strongholds as far north as southern Beirut, leading to the
deaths of about 1,200 Lebanese civilians. The escalation of the crisis saw thousands
of rockets launched daily into northern Israel by Hezbollah, causing the deaths
of about 160 Israeli civilians, the disruption of Israel’s economy, and the
temporary flight or confinement in bomb shelters of roughly a million Israelis.
The fighting caused tremendous damage to the infrastructure of southern Lebanon
and some parts of Beirut, and left 1 million Lebanese homeless or displaced.
By the time a ceasefire was agreed at the United Nations (UN) in August,
more than 100 Israeli troops and some 500 Hezbollah insurgents had been killed
in fierce fighting. The UN ceasefire resolution called for the withdrawal of
both antagonists and for southern Lebanon to be occupied by the Lebanese army
augmented by a UN force.