Physical, chemical and biological characteritics are useful for the effective management of aquatic ecosystem and also in developing various methods of improving reservior design and check the problems directly or indirectlycausing excessive algal growth in reservior or lakes. this study can also be used to estimate the yield of fish, which can be expected from individual lakes or reserviors. The anthropogenic inputs of a complex mixture from neighbouring communities and agricultural waste such as runoff manures, fertilizers and other industrial waste could lead to water quality changes in Ekpan Reserviour.
In recent years there has been concern about the rate at which lakes and reservoirs are polluted through anthropogenic activities, which are capable of changing the productivity of natural waters more than natural processes. manures, fertilizers and other industrial waste which find their way through leaching into streams and lakes which may lead to eutrophication. Eutrophication becomes nuisance in lakes because of impaired water quality, fermentation processes during anoxic periods, prolific weed growth, excesive algal blooms and deteriorating fishries.
It was reported that eutrophication affects the specific composition of zooplankton through physical and chemical alterations of the environment, also changing the composition of microscopic algae which constitute food for the zooplankton. Zooplankton play the main role in energetic and substantial transformations of water bodies. Estimation of plankton productivity allows to make conclusions about productivity of fish species and to forecast future fishery resources, (Institute of limnology, 2004).
Ekpan River serves as a source of water for the community around Ekpan. The water is used for both agricultural purposes and production of valuable fish protein for over 2,900 fish farmers in the community. Water quality monitoring is of immence importance in the management of fishries, water supplyand pollution. the productivity of lakes are determined by the water quality parameters and where these physico-chemical parameters are at extremes, the aquatic species compoition and abundance will be affected hence monitoring water quality of river/lake is necessary to ascertain chemical agents of water pollution connected with fish production and health. these generated interest in carrying out studies on the water quality of Ekpan River, Ekpan Warri, Delta state. The effects of anthropogenic activities on water quality characteristic, nutrients level, trace elements in relation to zooplan kton abundance of Ekpan River are also necesary for monitoring. This study will provide data with a view of utilizing the results for best management of the water resources.
Objective of the study are:
i) To determine the effects of anthropogenic activities on water quality characteristic
ii) To determine some critical variables controlling biological production, which are physical and chamical properties
iii) To evaluate the quantitative abundance of zooplankton
iv) To determine the level of some nutrients and elements in the river (trace elements)
Biological and Physico chemical characteristics
Secchi depth
Dissolved Oxygen
Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)
Nitrate-Nitrogen and Phospahte Phosphorus
Trace elements
Macrobenthic organism
Experimental design
The procedural plan of this study shall involved monthly sampling for all physico-chemical and zooplankton parameters
The study area, topography, hydrology and geology and catchment area shall be determined.
Sampling stattions
In other to achieve the set objectives four sampling station would be chosen for the survey.
The stations are:
i) Upper shore: There is little or no human inteference and aquatic macrophytes are absent. Will deignated as station 1
ii) Sub Upper shore: This is the same as the upper shore (station 2)
iii) Profundal Zone: This is the deepest part of the river, will be station 3
iv) Littoral zone: These zone is dominated by human, animal inteferences and aquatic macro macrophytes (staion 4)
From each station duplicate water samples will be collected at monthly interval for physico-chemical analysis and zooplankton identification. sampling period from May 2010 to October, 2010.
The following physico-chemical parameters will be determined
Air and Water temperature using a thermometer calibrated to the nearest 1oC. This would be done by holding the thermometer above the water for about five minutes until it stabilises. Water temperature will be determined by lowering the thermometer into the water in an inclined position for about five minutes to allow for equilibrium before recording.
A calibrated measuring tape which does not stretch with a mushroom weight at one end will be used for the measurement of water level for each station.
Secchi Disc (Transparency)
The secchi dic of 25cm in diameter will be used. the tranparency will be taken by lowering the secchi disc into water until it just ceases to be visible. the depth of the disappearance and reappearance will be measured and the average taken
the pH, electrical conductivity will be determined using a pye Unicam model 292 metre.
Disolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, Hardness, Phosphate-phosphorus, Nitrate - Nitrogen, total alkalinitywill be determined using modified Winkler azide method (Lind, 1979 and APHA, 1980)
Trace Elements analysis will be determined using Unicam 969 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (A.A.S).
Zooplankton \
It will be collected using a silk plankton net of 25cm in diameter and of 70mehes/cm attached with a bottle of 50ml capacity at the base. the net will be sunk at each station just below the surface and then towed through a distance of 10m. Identification will be done with various textbooks.
All data obtained will be subjected to two way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearon correlation Coefficient based on two tailed test.
Long Term Processes in Lake Kinneret: Physical Parameters, Nutrients, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton and Fish Communities (Environmental Science and Engineering / Environmental Science)